Private and secure by design.

GC is CASA Verified by Google and PricewaterhouseCoopers

and is actively working towards earning its SOC-2 certification.


GC uses Render as our cloud provider to store data and to power our services. Our Chrome extension is distributed through the Google Chrome Web Store.

Does GC backup data?

Data is backed-up on an hourly basis.


Data is encrypted at rest (AES-256) and in transit (HTTPS/TLS).

Securing our cloud environment

Access to all of our cloud services, source code, third-party tools, etc. are all secured with with 2FA.

Has GC deployed firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention systems in your environment?

GC uses Cloudflare as a mechanism to prevent attacks on our environment. We also have firewalls and controls in place within our infrastructure providers.

How often is GC performing vulnerability scans and penetration tests on our infrastructure?

GC uses GitHub to store our source code and we use GitHub to monitor our infrastructure for vulnerabilities that might exist though third-party software dependencies used by our source code.

Who can I reach out to if I have further questions about security and privacy at GC?

Contact us with any questions, concerns, or if you believe you’ve identified an issue. We will respond as soon as possible. Currently, GC does not have a bug bounty program.